THIS AGREEMENT is made on (insert date below) between Stella Foundation, a non-profit on behalf of the Women’s Venture Summit (hereinafter called “Stella”) and the Participant (insert First and Last Name below).

In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements of the parties, as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

  • PERFORMANCE. Participant agrees to participate at the Women’s Venture Summit 2024 September 25th - 27th, 2024
  • COMPENSATION. At this time, no honorariums are being offered. In addition, any reimbursable expenses must be pre-approved by Stella via written authorization.
  • NOTICES. All notices to be addressed by Stella to the Participant in connection with this Agreement shall be given in writing to our team, at
  • SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY Stella. Participant toolkit, one (1) complimentary 2-day WVS 2024 pass, and an event discount code to be utilized for your community. 


  • Submit presentation no later than September 15th, 2024. (unless otherwise agreed)
  • Submit all A/V and/or special requests needed before, during, after presentation no later than September 15th, 2024.

Alignment with Summit’s Mission and Expectations

Thoughtful consideration was made to select Participants who share the same passions and desire to equip and connect female founders and investors. WVS is grateful for your support in our mission to support female-led startups. We are honored you have chosen to “show up” and invite you and other Participants to join in various ways to achieve the expectations of our group. 

  • “Show Up!”
    • Please consider participating in the full program or as much as possible. Your presence will provide the most value to the startup community.
    • Arrive to event venue minimum one (1) hour prior to presentation time, commit to attending either lunch or reception networking after speaking. 
  • “Share” on Social Media
    • Upon signing this agreement, Participant should actively promote the Summit and follow Stella on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @wearestellaco
    • Stella will provide a Participant Toolkit. Please utilize assets and follow instructions to promote.
    • Tag @wearestellaco and @wearewvs and use hashtags #womensventuresummit #wvs2024
    • Comment/Like/Share any of our content with your network, as often as you can. We couldn’t do this event without you and the support of the ecosystem!
    • Post 1 photo or 1 story on your own LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter pages during the week of the event.
  • INDEMNIFICATION. The Participant shall defend, indemnify and hold the Stella, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including attorneys' fees), and claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorneys' fees, or claims for injury (including death) or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of the Participant, its officers, employees, sub-contractors or agents. Stella shall defend, indemnify and hold the Participant, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including attorneys' fees), and claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorneys' fees, or claims for injury (including death) or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of Stella officers, employees or agents working on its behalf.
  • SMOKE-FREE. All Stella activities and spaces are smoke-free environments.  
  • ACCESSIBILITY. The Participant agrees to take measures which ensure that the Participant’s performance and outreach activities are fully accessible with the Americans with Disabilities Act regulations and Stella Labs practices. 
  • RADIUS. Participant agrees that they will not conduct any community-style presentation or lecture within a fifty-mile radius of the Women’s Venture Summit presentation for a period of six weeks before the presentation for Stella. It shall also be agreed upon that any scheduled violation of this paragraph shall be conclusive evidence of irreparable damage to Stella and that Stella has a right to prevent such a community presentation to remedy the breach of contract. If it is discovered after the fact that a breach has occurred, Stella has a right to immediately cancel this Participant Agreement and the Participant shall be responsible for all damages incurred by Stella up to the time of contract termination.
  • CANCELLATION. If the Participant does not appear or perform to the terms of this Agreement, it is the Participant's responsibility to immediately notify Stella and offer a Participant replacement recommendation of the same caliber. If acceptable by Stella, Participant will facilitate the connection between the replacement Participant and Stella. However, if unacceptable, then the Participant shall be responsible for the payment of all damages, costs and expenses that were brought upon Stella due to the Participant not showing up for the presentation. Participant is not liable for any damages or costs associated if she/he fails to conduct the presentation due to conditions that are beyond the control of the Participant, for example medical disability and or an act of God that is outside of the Participant's control. 
  • RECORDING. Stella has the right to record and distribute content of the presentation on social media and other media channels. This license shall be non-exclusive and the copyright of such license shall belong to the Participant. If Stella records the Participant's presentation, a copy of the recording shall be given to the Participant approximately 30 days following the presentation for a fee of $150. Participant must request this service at least 14 days prior to the conference. Copies of the recording of the Participant's presentation may be maintained by Stella Labs for the sole use of its employees. The Participant grants Stella Labs to maintain copies of the presentation and for Stella Labs to use such copies for marketing purposes.
  • NON-SOLICITATION. Participant agrees to not solicit business from any Women’s Venture Summit participants to which the work pertains at the time of instruction. 

MEDIA RELEASE. Participant grants to Stella the right to take photographs/video of the Participant in connection with the activities under this Agreement. The Participant authorizes Stella, its assigns and transferees, to copyright, use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or video that may pertain to the Participant—including Participant’s image, likeness and/or voice, in print and/or electronically, without additional compensation. Participant agrees that Stella may use such photographs with or without the Participant's name and for any lawful purpose, including, for example, such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.

This bio + headshot will be utilized for promotion of your participation in the event.